The Celebrate Mansfield Festival is a low-waste event.
What does that mean?
One of our goals is to minimize the amount of waste generated throughout the event.
We ask businesses and organizations hosting booths to consider activities that generate little to no waste or that use repurposed materials.
Activities that generate little to no waste include:
Physical activities like jumping rope, hula hooping, or balance challenges
Teaching new crafts like learning to knit, fold origami, or tie knots
Trivia or memory games, board games, bean bag or ring toss
Face-painting or temporary tattoos
Story-telling or sing-alongs
Planning a low-waste booth goes beyond the activity. Here are some other ways you can reduce the waste generated at your booth:
Use materials that can either be used again for future events or recycled and composted after the Festival.
Instead of handing out brochures, have a visual display promoting your business/organization and have an email sign-up sheet or QR code for visitors to learn more.
Focus on a memorable activity that provides visitors a positive experience with your business/organization, rather than a disposable give-away.
Everyone can help!
We ask all participants, volunteers, and visitors:
To BYOB - Bring Your Own Bag (per Mansfield ordinance)
To bring reusable water bottles
To consider whether they will keep an item before picking it up (Think “Will I use this, or will I just throw it away later?”)
To sort their waste into the provided bins for recycling and trash. Stations will be set-up around the Festival site.
Have a question? We’re here to help!
Please call 860.429.2740 or email us.
Many thanks to Laura Stone Photography and Janine Callahan for the photos on this page.